civil litigation attorney cost

How Much Does It Cost To Retain a Civil Litigation Lawyer?

Civil litigation lawyers are legal professionals individuals employ to represent them in a civil lawsuit. In these lawsuits, two or more parties usually have a dispute and are seeking a resolution. Typically, the resolution involves the payment of money or determining whether a party is allowed or prohibited from doing something. Although hiring an experienced civil litigation attorney has many benefits in these types of cases, many people are hesitant to reach out to them due to concerns about the costs involved. That is why, in the guide below, we will discuss in detail how much it costs to retain a civil litigation attorney.

The Cost of Hiring a Civil Litigation Lawyer

The term civil lawyer is broad, meaning these lawyers tend to do legal work in a variety of areas, including business law, employment law, bankruptcy law, personal injury, finance law, and real estate law. Consequently, the costs involved with hiring a civil litigation attorney will usually depend on the nature and the complexity of the dispute, as well as the geographical location of the case, the amount of time it will take to resolve it, and the attorney’s experience. 

Type of Fee Arrangements

A fee arrangement refers to the agreement between a client and their attorney regarding the legal services to be provided, the types of fees that will be charged, and the amount of money the client will be expected to pay. Depending on the case, various types of fee arrangements can be used:

Hourly Rate

One of the more common fee arrangements that attorneys use is the hourly rate. Under this billing structure, clients are charged for the actual time the legal professional and their team spend working on their case. 

Contingency Fees

A contingency fee refers to an arrangement where the lawyer only gets paid for the services provided if there is a favorable result. Generally, under this arrangement, the lawyer’s fee is calculated as a percentage of the final judgment or settlement amount awarded to the client. 

Flat Fee Agreements

If a case is relatively straightforward, some attorneys and clients may agree to work for a flat fee. Under this arrangement, the legal professional agrees to do a specific amount of work in exchange for a one-time payment. However, if the case becomes more complicated, the attorney may draft a new contract before finalizing the case. 

Contact Herrera Clifton Hess Today To Learn More About the Fees Involved With Retaining a Civil Litigation Lawyer

At Herrera Clifton Hess, we make sure to put our clients’ needs and best interests first. We understand that civil litigation cases can be personal and challenging. That is why our team of civil litigation attorneys is well-equipped to provide you with the dedicated legal support you need, whether that involves a contract dispute or a personal injury lawsuit. 

If you are looking for further information about pursuing a civil litigation case or want to know more about the fee structures involved, contact Herrera Clifton Hess today.